Safe havens

TLT low on 9/15 on 2HP exact, and then on 9/21 both TLT and GLD reclaimed pivots. TLT reclaimed Q3P and GLD back above all pivots. You could say this was some warning for stocks that topped out on 9/22 and fell back on 9/23. 

I am concerned about the YR1 area rejections (SPX perhaps depending on 2163, RUT twice near exact, VTI in August, INDU near tag in August) but at the same time cannot be too bearish with VIX so calm. VIX is often right on markets (like it was on the 9/12-16 lows, dip to buy, not time to panic) - and so until we see VIX above at least a monthly pivot I will remain in "upside limited" camp instead of "bearish." That said, VIX back above SepP would confirm trouble for stocks and likely coincide with SPX YR1 2163 rejection.

Weekly chart low bang on 2HP along with YR1 acting as support. 
Daily pivot chart also shows recovery of Q3P on 9/21.
Daily technical chart shows RSI near OS (oversold) on the low at 31, rising 400, 200 and 100MAs, countered by falling 20 and 50MAs. 

Weekly chart choppy range between levels.
Daily chart again lows before reaching a quarterly pivot - very strong, and back above all pivots on 9/21.
Daily tech chart shows low on rising 100MA, back above 20 and 50MA too.

GDX for kicks
Unlike GLD, GDX did not maintain move above SepP, and falling 50MA acting as resistance. I'd be hesitant to short GDX with GLD strong, but at the same time if trading GDX then you'd want a good signal on this chart for an entry like 8/31-9/1 hold of Q3P with RSI OS.

Weekly chart a thing of beauty for those who take the few minutes to learn my abbreviations. 
Daily chart adds context of Q3P which also held as resistance. Using both of these meant clear signal to take off hedges and buy the dip - then it was a matter of choosing what held up the best (XBI, FXI, then SOXX, QQQ, EEM.) But as of now, daily VIX is not so troubled and under all pivots. 

Held YP after 2 day break also added to "buy the dip." Doing fine on recent high. 

VI1 and VIV contracts
Only these show a bit of trouble with VI1 mostly above monthly pivots after 8/17, and VI V contract recent low on Q3S2.